Applying for Military Leave

Communicate the Value of Training

If you want time off from your civilian job, you have to sell your employer on the idea first. Let them know that your skills and values are transferable to any work environment. These include: 

  • Leadership and management training 
  • Teamwork
  • Time management development
  • Improved physical fitness 
  • Motivation to improve one's self 
  • Developing transferable skills
  • Training in verbal and written communications and planning
Reservists on Exercise

In order to maintain a good working relationship with your employer you should give at least 14 days notice prior to any military training. 

If written notice is required, templates for leave letters can be found on the Hub (external link) for NZDF personnel.  

Some Top Tips


Remind your employer the NZDF reserve forces have a vital operational role.

Be Prompt

Sort out issue promptly between your military and civilian obligations. Be pro-active and provide your boss with a solution.

Invole Your Employer

Involve your employer by encouraging them to take advantage of the many DESC opportunities.

Be Timely

Give your employer plenty of notice prior to routine training or larger exercises.

Planning is Importrant

Work to balance your military and civilian commitments. DESC is here to help with this.

The Bundle

Be honest and upfront with employers to explain what benefits you will gain from attending regular trainings.