OIA-2024-5105 Rental Income
The official information that was released as part of request OIA-2024-5105 about rental income.
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Ngā mihi nui
The official information that was released as part of request OIA-2024-5105 about rental income.
The official information that was released as part of request OIA-2024-5110-NZDF about Space interactions.
The Defence Estate-Asbestos Management Plan documents the procedures that are to be used to safeguard the health of the people who occupy, maintain and/or visit the New Zealand Defence Force estate against the health risks associated with airborne asbestos exposure.
The Defence Estate-Asbestos Management Plan sets out the organisation specific procedures that enable the New Zealand Defence Force to comply with its legal obligation to identify and manage asbestos in the workplace under New Zealand workplace regulations, codes of practise and guideline documents. The document does not apply to capability platforms such as ships and planes.
The official information that was released as part of request OIA-2024-5066 about salary and staff information.
The September issue of Navy Today is out now, with our cover celebrating nearly 30 years in print.
This issue will be the last one to be printed as a hard copy, with all three service magazines published in a digital format online from October.
In this issue, we congratulate HMNZS Canterbury going all-hands full-on with a training push to get more sailors qualified. We introduce our new Chief of Navy, and catch up with HMNZS Aotearoa’s adventures in South East Asia. An engineer takes charge of HMNZS Te Mana and we meet our specialist Uncrewed Aerial Systems people, freshly returned from a mission with the Royal Navy. A Navy couple relate their experiences over a long-term deployment as a family where the temperatures can be minus 30 degrees.
The official information that was released as part of request OIA-2024-5090.1 about Chaplaincy.
The official information that was released as part of request OIA-2024-5134 about prosperity guardian duration.
This provides a list of briefings received by the Minister of Defence in June 2024. It is released under the authorisation of the Minister of Defence.
The official information that was released as part of request OIA-2024-5135 about the Minister of Defence directives.
The official information that was released as part of request OIA-2024-5138 about recruitment and attestation data.