OIA-2024-5280 HMNZS Lachlan movements
The official information that was released as part of request OIA-2024-5280 about HMNZS Lachlan movements.
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Ngā mihi nui
The official information that was released as part of request OIA-2024-5280 about HMNZS Lachlan movements.
The official information that was released as part of request OIA-2024-5193 about service related cover.
The official information that was released as part of request OIA-2024-5200 about the SAS in Borneo.
In this Army News edition, we celebrate the consecration and presentation of the Colours for 2nd/1st Battalion RNZIR on behalf of King Charles III. Tā Bom Gillies, the last 28 (Maori) Battalion veteran, is farewelled at his tangihana in Rotorua. We meet our Soldier of the Year, showcase new utility vehicles and celebrate Changes of Command across our forces. The magazine showcases our Reserve Force personnel on exercise and in person, and we congratulate the Army News' long-time editor, Judith Martin, on over 30 years as a storyteller for the Defence Force.
This issue marks the end of an era as it is the final time our service magazine will be produced. We have loved creating Army News for our readers, but it is time to look towards a different way of delivering our stories and updates.
As we step into 2025, we will publish all our articles on NZDF.mil.nz, where we digitally showcase the latest Army news. As we say haere rā to our service magazines, we look forward to looking to continuing to share stories of our military with you.
It's a bumper issue of Air Force News to round off the year. Put your feet up and read about our immediate response to help our Navy colleagues following HMNZS Manawanui sinking, find out what two runners had to say after being rescued in extreme weather by an NH90 crew.
Join us in celebrating with our winners of the People of the Year Awards, and check out our newest and oldest Hercules' flights to the ice, and so much more.
This issue marks the end of an era as it is the final time our service magazine will be produced. We have loved creating Air Force News for our readers, but it is time to look towards a different way of delivering our stories and updates.
As we step into 2025, we will publish all our articles on NZDF.mil.nz, where we digitally showcase the latest Air Force news.
As we say haere rā to our service magazines, we look forward to looking to continuing to share stories of our military with you.
In this combined November/December magazine, we cover the timetable of events so far for the HMNZS Manawanui sinking. HMNZS Aotearoa's successful Indo-Pacific deployment is captured in full with some amazing images. HMNZS Canterbury represents New Zealand at CHOGM, we meet our Sailor of the Year, celebrate HMNZS Ngapona's centenary and look forward to the creation of a Navy Reserve Force sub-unit in Whangārei.
This issue marks the end of an era as it is the final time our service magazine will be produced. We have loved creating Air Force News for our readers, but it is time to look towards a different way of delivering our stories and updates.
As we step into 2025, we will publish all our articles on NZDF.mil.nz, where we digitally showcase the latest Air Force news.
As we say haere rā to our service magazines, we look forward to looking to continuing to share stories of our military with you.
The official information that was released as part of request OIA-2024-5203 Copy of Defence Health Directive 23 003.
The official information that was released as part of request OIA-2024-5215 UAP Briefing May 2023
This provides a list of briefings received by the Minister of Defence in October 2024. It is released under the authorisation of the Minister of Defence.
The official information that was released as part of request OIA-2024-5184 about the Prime Minister's flights to and from Laos.